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Privacy Statement

Your privacy is very important to us. We promise to disclose to you what customer information we may gather and how we may use it, give you choice over what personal information we use for purposes excluding statutory requirements, and provide access to the information we retain in order for you to review or correct your information as appropriate. We have adopted and subscribe to the privacy principles developed by the Canadian Standards Association. Please read the following policy to understand how your personal information will be treated as you make full use of our many offerings.

The range of products and services we offer continues to expand and the technology we use continues to change. But, no matter how our business changes, we will always do our best to protect your privacy. This policy will be reviewed for appropriateness from time to time as our users and requirements change, so please check back periodically.

What Information We Collect

Like most organizations, we collect and use personal information about our customers and visitors to our web sites. Personal information means any information about an identifiable individual. We collect your personal information online to provide you with the most personalized web experience possible. In many cases, the more we know about you, the more value we can offer you.

Personal information will only be collected by fair and lawful means. Our collection of personal information will be limited to that necessary for the purposes we have identified to you. By using our website, you agree to provide your permission to this collection and use of information for the purposes set out herein.

Information collected may include: contact information such as your name, company name, address, billing address, phone/fax numbers, and email address; billing information such as credit card information or bank account information, tracking information from cheques and money orders; client docket information; areas of practice; and details regarding your business transactions with us.

How We Use the Information We Collect

We collect information throughout our website, including statistics, domain names and/or IP addresses to help diagnose technical problems, administer our web site and to provide you with information on products and/or services that might be of interest to you.

We retain the content of emails that you send us, your email address, and our responses in order to handle any follow-up questions you may have.